Saturday, November 21, 2020

Hit the Gym, Gentlemen, with HyperGH 14x

Quick question for you. What's the leading cause of death for American men? According to the Center for Disease Control, it's heart disease, which in 2006, accounted for just over a quarter of all deaths among men in the United States.

That might have been a few years ago, but further stats suggest that risk of heart disease hasn't faded much since then. You know those risks right? Obesity, smoking and stress, among others. And, of course, lack of exercise.

Suffice to say, it's important for men of all ages to exercise. Any thing's good, really, so long as we get at least 30 minutes per session, and preferably five or six times a week.

Of course, most men are more into the free weights routine than aerobics, and there's nothing wrong with that. So long as you're getting some cardio in there, somewhere, men can get most of their exercise needs met with good old resistance training.

In this article we'll discuss three of the core resistance exercises that are most beneficial to men, for health, longevity and less chance the grim reaper will come before you've achieved what you want in this life. We'll also review that men should indeed supplement for the gym with age. What supplement works best? Hint: it ain't steroids. Try HyperGH 14x. We'll get to that.

Work Those Core Muscles

Biceps are sexy, and girls may like big arms, but for health and the most benefits of weight training, your core comes first. Your core is your torso, meaning from below your neck to your upper legs. Save the arms for another day. No core, no gains. Very simple.

Core muscles give balance to the body. Done correctly, exercises that work your core not only provide an amazing stress release, they thicken your bones, develop physical strength and promote good balance, which in a man's later years, may reduce the chances he'll fall.

Considering that unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death among men in the United States, core exercises should be the starting point of any resistance training exercise regimen. Do these exercises, and you're well on your way.


Arguably the single most beneficial exercise you can do, deadlifts have the distinction of working every major body part. If you do one exercise all week, do deadlifts.

Having said this, it's very important to do deadlifts with good form. This is a strenuous exercise that, if you do it wrong, can really mess up your spine. Don't arch your back with deadlifts – position your back inwards, and your posterior out.

To do a deadlift, place your palms on the bar, one hand with an over hand grip, the other under-handed. Your feet should be straight, roughly shoulder-width or slightly wider apart. Push down hard with your legs as you lift up the bar. Back in, butt out, slowly lift, then place back down. That's one.


Another great full body exercise, squats thicken the spine and work those core muscles that develop physical strength and balance. In the pecking order of most beneficial exercises, it's number two.

The caveat with squats is that, when done with the traditional method of a bar placed on the shoulders, you're putting weight on your spine. That's not always good, so form matters.

We'll get to alternative squat exercises in a moment. But for guys who practice good form, and don't push stupidly heavy weights, squats are excellent.

If you're one of these guys, place the bar behind your neck, resting on your shoulders. As with dead lifts, position your back in and your posterior outwards to alleviate pressure on your spine. Slowly lower your body, until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Then push hard with your knees as you go back up.

Squats are an excellent exercise, but the key here is not to strain the spine. As an alternative, consider similar squat motion movements with a set of dumb bells. Or try sumo squats.

Bench Press

All right gentlemen, you're at the pinnacle of resistance training. Tell a guy you work out and he's likely to ask you a simple question, "How much can you bench?"

In his day, Arnold Schwarzenegger could bench close to 400 pounds, which is crazy by any standards. As of 2011, the current record for an assisted bench press is over 1000 pounds. Ouch.

To do the bench press, lay flat on your back, with your feet on the floor. Place your hands just outside shoulder-width apart. Lift the bar off the frame, and slowly lower the weight to just above your belly button. Don't bounce it off your stomach. Push hard, and raise it back to the starting position.

With bench press, remember to use a spotter for heavier weights. Stay the course with bench. Do it often, for upper body strength and a great set of pecs.

Supplement with HyperGH 14x

Some guys do the steroids gig, and there's no question that those needles will have your biceps bulging bigger than a king-sized set of watermelons. But steroids will also leave you with acne, shrunken testicles, risk of permanent impotence, stroke and heart attack, 'roid rage. This could go on for a while.

And though steroids are more of a younger man's game, it's not uncommon for senior men to supplement with synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which, when you consider the costs and risks involved, aren't much of a better option.

But growth hormone has a measurable influence on muscle growth, and exercise can stimulate exercise-induced growth hormone response, or EIGR, for less fat, more muscle tone and better results from similar efforts in the weight room.

And this means? Use a natural growth hormone supplement, like HyperGH 14x, which stimulates natural, as opposed to synthetic growth hormone, from your own body, for muscles, anti-aging benefits, and ultimately, health and happiness.

Breast Enhancement - Making the Right Choice

If you've been wondering about breast enhancement, you're not alone. In 2007 there were 397,330 breast augmentation procedures performed in the United States alone, making it the leading surgical cosmetic procedure performed in the U.S. While it is clear that her breasts are vital to her confidence and positive self-image as a woman, the question whether breast augmentation is necessary, or healthy, remains an individual choice. Fortunately, there are healthy and affordable options to make your breasts as vivacious and beautiful as you desire.

What are the Options?

While there is a variety of options available to enhancing your breasts, they generally fall into the categories of surgical and non-surgical. Breast implants are an established and popular breast-enhancement procedure among North American women. Stem cell fat transfer augmentation is another surgical enhancement procedure, while breast enlargement pumps and padded bras round out the non-surgical breast augmentation options. Do they work? Some do - breast implants are wildly popular. But they're expensive, at $2,500- $5000 per procedure. They can also lead to ongoing breast health issues, including difficulty detecting breast cancer, ongoing soreness and problems with breast feeding. Contrary to popular belief, breast implants are not permanent, and frankly, some women find the though of having their breasts sliced open downright unappealing.

Fortunately, there is one final option.

Natural breast enhancement is a non-surgical, safe and effective method to enhance and celebrate your breasts. Unlike the other options, natural breast enhancement uses phytoestrogens, which tighten and lift breast tissues. Moreover, this method balances the natural hormone levels produced by your body, and promotes overall breast health with herbals, nutrients and hormone balancers. Natural breast enhancements are often available in a three-step therapy system, consisting of a daily supplement, a gel and an exercise regiment. When looking for a daily supplement, be sure find one that contains buckwheat leaves, damiana leaf and watercress, as found in Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy, as these ingredients are known to fight breast cancer, and produce breast milk and tissue.

Additionally, natural breast enhancement yields another secret ingredient proven to grow natural, healthy breasts. Volufiline is a recent development in natural breast enhancement that contains sarsasapogenin, which stimulates lipogenesis, causing the fatty tissue in breasts to grow in quantity and volume. In a recent clinical study, 32 women between the ages of 18 and 35 applied Volufiline to one breast, twice daily. Scientists looked a the results on days 28 and 56 of the study. The results? Twenty-five per cent of the women saw a 6.6% increase in breast size after 28 days. As a testament to its effectiveness, Volufiline is a key ingredient in Total Curve Lifting & Firming Gel and Volufiline has now been clinically proven to increase breast size by up to 8.4% in under 60 days.

It's Your Choice

Breast enhancement does not have to be painful, nor expensive, and many women would argue that any breast enhancement procedure should compliment and work with a woman's body and its natural balance of hormones and phytoestrogens rather than (literally!) tearing her breasts apart. Natural breast enhancement, as promoted by Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy, is a celebration of the female form and its beauty. The choice is yours.

A Natural Way to Improve Sex and your Love

In this day and age there seems to be an overwhelming supply of sexual enhancement products on the market for men and women. But how are you to find the time to sift through all the information, all the research, all the testimonials to find just the right product that will work for you and that will improve your sex life and your love? How are you to find not only the perfect product but also to find a product that is natural, non evasive, and does not involve remembering to take a certain pill at a certain time – sometimes hours before you are planning to have sex? What if the next time you have sex isn’t even a planned time? Being caught off guard and not prepared can mean potentially ruining a night that was all set to be perfect into a sexual fiasco. Well there is one easy way to ensure that that doesn’t happen and that you and your man are both left sexually satisfied and happy.

Hersolution Gel is a female sexual enhancement product that is going to change your sex life. This product has been designed by a team of doctors and researchers. Years have been spent perfecting just the right combination of aloe, shea and cocoa butters, botanical essences and vitamins especially for you. This amazing combination of natural ingredients is non evasive and easy to use. Just a small topical application will turn your lifeless passion into a romp that will make your man craving more and you just willing and wanting to please and do just that.

This female sexual enhancement product is like having three products in one. Your libido will increase, your sensations will be heightened, and your vagina dryness will be a thing of the past. Soon you will be telling all your girlfriends about this amazing new product that will turn every night into something special for you and your man.

There is no pill to take, no planning ahead, and no need to worry any more that you’re not going to be in the mood when he is. You can even take about any of the stigma or shyness away by having your man get involved. Applying the dab of gel at the right moment, on the right place will just add to his excitement and yours. You’ll notice an immediate tingling sensation and your clitoris will start to swell, increasing your pleasure and make you turned on like never before.

The Hersolution Gel might just be the female sexual enhancement product that both you and your man have been waiting for. Why not click on this amazing product now and make sure that your next date is going to be your best ever. For you and your man. In fact, why not buy a few tubes so that you can have one for your house, one for his, and a spare in your purse just in case you have one of the spontaneous rendezvous that are always so fun?

For more information, go to

Female Libido Enhancer FAQs

Discussions around female libido and solutions for increasing it have taken the forefront of a number of medical studies and discussions over the past few years. While the topic was deemed as taboo not too long ago, the simple fact that a wide number of women around the world are struggling with low libido has ensured that the discussion has become far more mainstream. There are now a number of female libido enhancers on the market, as well as an array of natural solutions, that help women feel more sexual and take advantage of one of life's very best pleasures.

With that said, there is still a lot of debate over which female libido enhancers are the best and a number of other questions have arisen. In order to help you understand the advantages of these products and how they work, let's tackle a few common female libido enhancer FAQs.

What is HerSolution?

HerSolution is a natural female sexual enhancer that is available without a prescription and is proven to not only be entirely safe, but also an all natural solution to this ever present problem. Some of the benefits that Her Solution brings to the table include:

  • Naturally increasing lubrication
  • Naturally quicken and increase the effects of female sexual arousal
  • Enhance the length of sexual arousal and overall desire
  • Improve the ability for women to achieve orgasm and intensify the feelings of climax
  • Potentially provide the ability to achieve multiple orgasms.

What Causes can bring about Sexual Dysfunction?

While a lot of research has been done over time, there is still very little definition when it comes to the causes of female sexual dissatisfaction or dysfunction. There is a wide array of factors that can prevent satisfaction and decrease overall sexual desire such as stress, depression, anxiety, distraction, hormonal imbalances, alcohol abuse, illness, or even a negative perception of one's body.

How Does HerSolution Work?

The combination of natural ingredients within HerSolution is aimed at increasing blood flow to the female genitalia and especially the clitoris. In order for arousal to take place blood must flow to the region in order to lubricate and widen the opening and ensure that sexual increase can be as pleasurable as possible. Without proper blood flow it is nearly impossible to become aroused and sex can prove to be very unsatisfying and even painful.

Are there any Negative Side Effects that Coincide with taking HerSolution?

Possibly the best benefit of a truly natural female libido enhancer such as HerSolution is the fact that it comes with absolutely no side effects whatsoever. The herbal supplement does not interfere with any other medications or birth control. The ingredients have also been known to increase breast size and fertility in some women.

Whether you are suffering from a low sex drive or are simply looking for a little extra in the bedroom, HerSolution is one of the very best solutions available today. The all natural female libido enhancer is trusted, reliable, and completely safe and has been deemed as a sexual savior by a number of satisfied, in more ways than one, customers.

For more information, go to

Become a Thicker, Fuller, Harder "MAN" with Prosolution Gel

Penis Enlargement and men's sexual health has been a popular topic for a number of years, but only recently has new technology really driven the industry to brand new heights. Transdermal technology is a revolutionary breakthrough when it comes to penis enlargement and is becoming the main reason why millions of average or "small" men are finally taking control of their sex lives and their sexual satisfaction.

Whether you are affected by an inability to maintain or achieve an erection, struggle to hold onto a full erection, desire more size or stamina, struggle with premature ejaculation or want to improve sensations and the power of your climax, Prosolution Gel could be just the answer that you, and your sexual partner, are looking for.

This powerful male enhancement gel is known for being one of the fastest acting solutions on the market as it uses powerfully natural ingredients to drive blood flow directly to the penis. The nutrients involved in the gel and increased blood flow almost instantly provide fuller, firmer, harder, longer lasting erections and can prevent the drawback that coincides with premature ejaculation.

How Exactly does it Work?

As you learned in sex education back when you were younger, erections rely on blood flowing to the penis and engorging it. In order to maintain an erection, the blood needs to remain in the penis until orgasm is achieved, but over time that becomes more and more difficult for some men to benefit from.

There are a number of factors that can affect a man's ability to achieve and maintain erection, including stress, fatigue, physical weakness, lack of confidence, lack of desire, or practically any distraction. Even for men that are not affected by any of these issues, it is common for men to crave something more or be left unsatisfied even after a full and complete sexual episode. These men know that intercourse could be better and that their orgasms could have been more powerful, but just do not know how to make that happen.

Or at least they didn’t know how to make that happen until Prosolution Gel came along.

A large number of men have taken control of their sex life and are now enjoying fuller, harder, stronger erections and more satisfying sex all thanks to this effective and affordable gel. In fact there are certain studies that have been done to prove that more than 95% of men that have tried this revolutionary gel have noticed an increase in their sexual satisfaction and the size of their erections.

Considering the proven results, the affordability, and the vast number of satisfied customers, there is no doubt that Prosolution Gel is one of the most beneficial male enhancement products on the market. If you are serious about taking sex to the next level and becoming a bigger "man" then giving this gel a try is a decision that you will not regret.

Not only is it a decision that you will not regret, it will also ensure that your sexual partner begs you to keep coming back for more.

For more information, go to

Erection Oil FAQs

What is in topical erection oils?

The formulations vary by manufacturer as to their exact ingredients. They may contain herbs, nutrients, amino acids and other natural ingredients. Look for a statement that attests to the product's purity and effectiveness, and also for information about the transdermal delivery of ingredients. Formulations without the correct considerations for transdermal delivery may not be as effective.

How do topical erection oils compare with Viagra?

Many of the effects are quite similar, however, topical erection oils come in transdermal form, and are applied to the genitals, so unlike Viagra, you don't ingest anything. One of the benefits of this is that topical oil works much faster -- within seconds -- because there's no waiting for a drug to work its way through the digestive system. Next, topical erection oils are all natural, based on time-tested botanicals and new transdermal technology. That means you can get the product without a prescription, there are no side effects. Erection oils are effective and far more affordable than prescription drugs.

Are topical erection oils condom-compatible?

This varies from product to product, as well as the type of condom you are using. Latex condoms should not be used with oil, so if this is a concern, look for formulas that do not contain petroleum jelly or mineral oil. Water based formulas, like VigRX Oil™, are best.

Will it leave a greasy or oily residue?

Again, check the specific ingredients of a product. Water-based formulas provide immediate absorption into the tissue of the penis without an oily or greasy feeling. Oil based formulas tend to leave greasy residue, so read the product information carefully.

Which topical erection oils are safe to use for oral sex?

Oils with no synthetic, chemical, petrochemical by-products, artificial colors and/or fragrances are safe to use. VigRX Oil™, the industry leader, has a natural base with the therapeutic ingredients to offer the safest, most effective product available to date. This varies from product to product, and the answer to this question is most often found in the FAQ section.

How do I apply it?

Whenever using any fluid or oil on sensitive areas of your body, it is best to test it out on a small scale first. If there are no problems on the test, try massaging the oil into the penis all over until an erection is achieved. When you first begin to use the product, we suggest masturbating with it before using it during sex to become more comfortable with the amount needed and the sensation it produces.

Can these oils complicate sexual disease?

Erection oils are not recommended for those with a Herpes Simplex Virus outbreak or any other open sores or skin lesions in the genital area. Check with your doctor for appropriate practice if you have any sexual health concerns.

How is this different from an oral tablet?

The effects are similar, however, topical oils are meant to give an immediate response that lasts throughout your sexual session. Pills tend to be more long-term and overall-sexual-health focused, giving ongoing benefits all the time. Oils are scientifically designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the penile tissue instantaneously giving noticeable results within 90 seconds. With an oil, 95% of the therapeutic ingredients are absorbed, compared to approximately 5-10% with an herbal capsule or tablet. The products can be used concurrently; however, we feel its best to use oil and a tablet from the same manufacturer that were designed to work together. VigRX™ pills and VigRX Oil™ are a good example -- these are produced by a reputable company and can be used together safely and with excellent results.

Will this increase penile and sexual performance?

Yes, one is most likely to notice the benefit in the areas of strength and rigidity of the penis and also a reduction in the occurrence of premature ejaculation.

Will this oil increase the size of my penis?

Because oils will allow for greater blood flow to the penis, you may notice your erection feels more powerful and seems larger in circumference and strength. Although your penis will not grow in size from the product, it will reach its full size capacity.

How much does it cost?

Topical erection oils are much less expensive than prescription drugs. But because good, effective oils contain pure natural ingredients, they do cost more than a simple lubricant. Overall, they're surprisingly inexpensive for all you get. Prices range from $40 to $150 a bottle. Most companies offer a discount if you purchase in larger quantities. VigRX Oil™ is one of the most recommended products, and it costs $49.95 USD a bottle.

What type of guarantee do I get?

We'd recommend that you never buy from a company that does NOT offer a full money-back guarantee. Before you order, you should feel that if you don't see a substantial increase in the hardness of your erections, or better sexual performance, then you can return it for a refund, no questions asked. This is the VigRX Oil™ guarantee, and we think it should be the industry standard. Unfortunately, not everyone offers a guarantee as good as this.

Are there other ways to improve my sexual health?

Of course, the best way to improve any aspect of your health is to eliminate bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking, give yourself a better diet and exercise regularly. While you're working on healthier living overall, adding a male enhancement supplement can take you to an even better level of sexual performance and pleasure.

Some other products you may be interested in include: MaxiDerm™, Semenax™, VigRX™, and GenF20™.

Increase Size, Last Longer, and Love Better with a Complete Male Enhancement System


There are so many penis claims out there today it is almost getting ridiculous. Larger this, longer that. More this, more that. You almost can’t click on a website without reading one claim or another about how to increase your size, your sex, or your stamina. How do you know who to believe anymore? There is information overload and at the end of the day all you really want to know is how you can have better sex, make your lover feel great, and to know you are being all the man that you can be.

Well the folks who have designed the For Men Only CD™ have laid it all out for you in a simple to use and follow penis enhancement e-book that will not only increase your penis size, increase your penis girth, but enlarge the head of your penis, help with erectile dysfunction, make you last longer, increase your stamina, and make you have the best sex you have ever had in your whole life. What more could you possibly want than that?

The For Men Only CD™ has dozens of penis enlargement methods that have been studies and texted to ensure they work. There are pictures of male models performing all the exercises in detail so you are ensured of doing them right. All the best penis enlargement exercises known are included, all the exercises have been grouped together to maximize the benefits, the techniques are also included to help correct penile curvature, the instructions also include how to maximize the sex appeal, and they also include some extra bonus secrets of how to pick up women.

These exercises that have been compiled have been performed safely and effectively for centuries. They have been divided into beginner and advanced options to ensure that you are not doing anything that might be unsafe or detrimental. If you follow the routines, you are ensured success with no pain or side effects. This program is also one of the most affordable options on the market today. It will allow you to reshape your penis for less money than any other option out there. When you follow this regime, not only will you have a larger penis, that is thicker and stronger, but you will also increase your confidence. Increased confidence means that you will be a more confident lover and that will make both you and your partner more happy and fulfilled. A longer penis means that you will increase your woman’s pleasure and everyone knows – if she is happy, you are happy!

But the For Men Only CD™ gives you more than just a set of exercises to make your penis longer, it also offers bonus advice on how to please your partner and also shares new methods for using your newly sized penis more effectively. You are guaranteed to become a better lover and that will make both of you happy beyond belief. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and take the next step toward a more fulfilling love life and order your copy of the For Men Only CD™ today.

For more information, go to

FAQs About ExtenZe ! ExtenZe, Sex and Teasing


What is ExtenZe?

ExtenZe is a natural male enhancement supplement designed to increase erection size and sex drive. Men using ExtenZe also report better stamina and greater satisfaction with sex.

How does ExtenZe compare to other male enhancement products?

This depends who you ask. ExtenZe consistently ranks in the top three recommended products among natural enhancers because of the high quality of the ingredients in its formula and the results it provides. ExtenZe is great for men who want long-term increased performance ability.

Depending where you buy ExtenZe, you might also get free gifts with your purchase.

ExtenZe is unique in that it receives substantial media attention on TV and in print media. Several big names have been linked to ExtenZe at various times, including Ron Jeremy, former Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson and NASCAR driver Kevin Conway.

Why should I buy ExtenZe?

For the ability to have spontaneous sex achieved with a natural product. ExtenZe uses time-tested herbals that benefit the male reproductive system and health. This contrasts with prescription ED pills which simply offer an erection for each "session" and don't help men achieve long-term sexual wellness.

ExtenZe is non-prescription too, so you can buy it without that embarassing trip to the doctor. And speaking of the latter, ExtenZe is approved by doctors.

What's in ExtenZe?

It's a proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients, including yohimbe extract, velvet deer antler, l-arginine and korean ginseng. Go to to view the full list of ingredients in this highly potent formula.

Is ExtenZe safe?

Most guys use ExtenZe with no problems at all. Remember that it's completely natural, which is why many consumers skip prescription ED pills in favor of ExtenZe in the first place.

You should speak with your doctor if you are concerned about possible interactions with any prescriptions you're on right now, or pre-existing medical conditions. However, the vast majority of guys use ExtenZe without any problems.

Has ExtenZe changed in the past few years?

ExtenZe changed from a tablet to a liquid gelcap in 2012. The formula now comes with extended release, meaning the ingredients are realized by the body faster, and with better absorption, so the consumer enjoys even more sexual-enhancing benefits of ExtenZe.

Where can I buy ExtenZe?

You can buy ExtenZe online through various sites, but one of the most popular is because it offers discount packaging and free gifts on larger orders. This site also offers live customer support if you have any questions about the product and they ship the product discreetly.

What are the free gifts that I get when I buy ExtenZe through

Glad you asked.

Buy ExtenZe in a package of at least three months and you get your choice of either ExtenZe silicone or water-based personal lubricant. This way, you don't even have to wait for ExtenZe to kick in before you enjoy size and stamina - just apply the lube and you've got an instant erection.

The bottles are huge, at 4.8 fluid ounces (138 grams). And you get more of them with larger orders. The 6 month packages comes with 2 bottles. A year comes with three, which pretty much guarantees you more than a year of awesome sex (12 months of ExtenZe and 3 bottles of lube, with each bottle lasting at least a month, and probably longer).

Is ExtenZe guaranteed?

Yes, absolutely. Buy ExtenZe and use as directed. At any time during the first 60 days, if you're not happy with the product, just return the boxes and any unopened containers and you get a full refund minus shipping and handling.

How will the charge show up on my credit card?

Discreetly. That's one of the reasons guys tend to prefer buying ExtenZe at, in which case your charge shows up as "leminternet" and the package is labelled from "Leading Edge". That's it, no worrying about snooping eyes at the check out aisle of your local department store.

What if I have further questions about ExtenZe?

Did you buy ExtenZe at Call their customer support team at 1-866-621-6886 and a highly trained customer support rep will answer any questions you might have.

You're a man and you deserve great sex at any age. ExtenZe will give it to you.

The Truth about Penis Enlargement


Concerned that you simply are not measuring up to certain expectations?

Luckily you are not alone when it comes to the fact that you dream about increasing the size of your penis, as there are millions of men that are constantly searching for male enhancement products or certain solutions that can help them improve their overall size.

Despite the fact that a large number of men are dealing with a need for penis enlargement, the entire topic seems to be somewhat taboo and incredibly sensitive on the whole. If you are searching for answers or desperate for a solution that meets your needs, then you have come to right place. Get comfortable as we discuss the truth about penis enlargement.

Which Penis Enlargement Techniques are Most Common?

There are a number of penis enlargement techniques that are utilized by men all over the world. They range from everything from invasive surgery, creams, oils, lotions, pumps, exercises, and pills.

What is the Average Penis Size?

The average penis ranges between 5 to 7 inches when erect, and that measurement is taken from the tip of the penis to the start of the abdomen.

Does Penis Enlargement Work?

There are a number of products and programs that claim to be the final cure and most beneficial product when it comes to penis enlargement. However, how can you know which ones work and which ones are a waste of time and money? While surgery has been known to show success it is incredibly expensive and dangerous so is not necessarily the best option.

If you are looking for permanent penis enlargement for both your soft and erect penis then there are a number of extenders and penis exercise techniques that can increase size. However, possibly the best solution when it comes to penis enlargement is herbal supplements that are proven to increase blood flow to the area and increase the hardness and size of erections. These products do not have any side effects, are incredibly affordable, and are easy and simply to use.

That means far less time actually working on increasing the size of your penis and more time playing around with your new found girth, length, and confidence.

One of the most popular herbal supplements such as this is Pro Solution. The 100% natural male enhancement product has been taken for years by a number of satisfied customers and is solely responsible for an infinite number of orgasms and satisfying sexual encounters. Pro Solution Pills combine over 20 natural ingredients that are all aimed at improving desire, increasing satisfaction, and making your penis truly stand up at attention. With the help of these pills your partner will not only notice how much bigger your erections are getting but will also be more than satisfied with your new profound need to please. Not only can this product potentially improve the size of your penis but it can also leave your partner more satisfied than she has ever been before.

If you are truly wondering if penis enlargement works, then you need to look no further than Pro Solution. Especially considering it comes along with a full money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain, literally.

For more information, go to

How TestRX Can Help Your Weightlifting


Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’ve hit the gym hard for months and the gains are slower. You’re bummed, because you’re barely maintaining the muscle you have. You’ve got less motivation to hit the weights as a result – and you really, truly don’t want to be in the gym at the moment.

Can you relate?

You’ve hit your plateau. This happens to the best of us when we’re weightlifting, and it can really affect your confidence in the gym. Is there a solution? Here’s an idea – take a step back, make a new iPod workout list and try TestRX weightlifting supplement, which boosts testosterone and can help get you back on track.

Weightlifting and Protein Synthesis

Protein is the building block of muscle. Sound familiar? Well, it’s true – muscles occur when your body repairs the microtears in muscular tissue after weightlifting (or resistance training in general). Your body adds extra tissue as a response, to help you adapt to the greater workload.

Protein fuels this process, and testosterone makes protein, in a process called protein synthesis, which makes that protein usable by the body. If you want to get technical, testosterone binds to androgen receptors in muscle cells, which stimulates protein synthesis and gives you bigger pipes.

Most guys tend to lose about 1% of their natural testosterone levels each year after 30, though it can often be more than that. And that’s where TestRX comes into play – it stimulates natural testosterone naturally, and can help you get the body you want without needles or synthetic hormones.

How Does This Help ME?

If you’re plateauing, TestRX can give you more testosterone. It’s important to vary up your program though – you should take at least a week off and tweak your routine a little (TestRX has a good resource on its site on how to break though plateaus – be sure to check it out).

If you’re not plateauing, you will at some point. TestRX can help you regardless, because it’s a natural weightlifting supplement that stimulates natural testosterone, and that helps protein synthesis, and aids with faster recovery, bigger muscles, and a variety benefits that help in the weight room. Stuff like:

More Energy – More testosterone means more energy.

Weight Loss – Muscles help your body burn fat quicker – and testosterone loss is a major reason guys get flabby in the first place!

Better Athletic Performance - TestRX has several ingredients that have shown in clinical studies to increase athletic performance – even under extreme stress.

Muscle Oxygenation – The ingredients in TestRX bodybuilding supplement have shown to help deliver oxygen to the muscles.

Faster Recovery – You’ll most likely recover from your workouts faster with TestRX, which should give you bigger muscles as a result.

Bigger Muscles – All this helps you get bigger guns. Imagine being able to turn heads for all the right reasons when you take off your shirt. Guys would envy you and women – well – let’s just say attracting women is one of the reasons TestRX does such brisk sales in the first place.

Bonus: More Sex

Guys buy TestRX weightlifting supplement because it helps them blast through barriers in the gym, have better athletic performance, get bigger muscles and achieve the body they want.

But there’s a highly enjoyable bonus that comes with TestRX; you may find you get more sex because of it.

How’s this? Several of the ingredients in TestRX have shown to increase male virility. This makes sense; testosterone is a sex hormone, and indeed it’s what fuels your desire to hit the sheets. Studies on the ingredients in this high-impact formula show it does just that.

Bigger muscles AND more sex. There ain’t nothing wrong with that!

Think about this as well; muscles on a guy are like breasts on a woman. We can’t take our eyes off of them (don’t lie – you know what you’re looking at when a woman wears a low-cut dress!). Now imagine flipping the scenario, so you show off your bigger muscles with TestRX at the beach, out in public, or in the privacy of your bedroom.

Let’s just say you’ll be handsomely rewarded with TestRX, with bigger muscles, more sex appeal, and the very enjoyable ability to back them up!

Click Here To Get TestRX!

Get Ready for Longer Lasting Erections and Bigger, Better Orgasms


Imagine having the ability to last longer in bed, control your erections, benefit from harder and stronger erections, and then blasting massive amounts of semen all over your partner as you shake and shudder to one of the best orgasms of your life.

It really doesn’t get much better than that, but how can that be possible without some dangerous prescription drug or expensive treatment?

The answer is actually quite simple: Volume Pills.

Volume Pills offer a unique and never before used natural formulation to allow your body to benefit from powerful erections and explosive orgasms each and every time. If you have ever watched a porn movie and wondered how the men seem to be so thick, hard, and full of semen volume, than this is just the product that you have been looking for.

What exactly makes Volume Pills so Special?

Unlike many of the other male enhancement products on the market, Volume Pills are known for their natural herbal formula that is entirely safe and comes with literally zero side effects. Brand new technology and research has allowed the makers of this revolutionary product to maximize its effect and truly offer consumers the largest number of benefits possible.

To truly understand the effectiveness of these powerful pills, this is one product that you truly do have to try for yourself. While Volume Pills will affect everyone a little differently, there are a number of results and benefits that have simply become expected in all cases.

An increased volume of ejaculation plays a much larger role in the world of sex than many men and women can comprehend. In essence, a male orgasm takes place when all of the muscles in the penile area contract at the same time. The more semen that the muscles have to push out, the more they have to contract, and the longer and harder the orgasms and contractions become. It is that prime reasoning why semen enhancers have become so popular on the market, just be sure that you do not choose a product that contains harmful chemicals simply in hopes of having better orgasms.

Yes it is important to maximize the sexual satisfaction that you feel, and it is incredibly important to make sure that you have the ability to please your partner as much as possible. However, you should never sacrifice the overall health of your body simply in hopes that you will be able to enhance your penis or increase the pleasure that you have in the bedroom. First and foremost should be your health, and sexual satisfaction should come second.

That is something that the manufactures of Volume Pills understand more than anyone else, and is precisely why they worked overtime to create effective and proven male enhancement pills that come with no side effects and zero harmful chemicals.

If you are serious about improving your sex life, enhancing your orgasms, and only putting natural ingredients into your body, then Volume Pills are just what you have been looking for.

Get ready for stronger erections and more powerful orgasms all thanks to one tiny pill.

For more information, go to

Monday, November 16, 2020

Illuminatural 6i: Why Do We Get Skin Blemishes? Illuminatural 6i Skin Brightener Review

One of the paradoxes of life is that beauty often has a limited shelf life. When we're young, skin is thick and plump. It's usually free of blemishes and it radiates health and fertility.

Then it ages. Once young skin develops wrinkles, with sun damage and visible aging. Skin gets older. And notably, we develop blemishes, and scars we'd like to hide.

Skin blemishes are the result of excessive melanin levels. Melanin is the dark skin pigment, and hyperpigmentation is when the skin cells that produce this dark pigment shift into overdrive, with the development of:

  • moles
  • age spots
  • blotchy skin
  • sun damage
  • uneven complexion
  • melasma
  • freckles

Skin blemishes may also appear as acne scars, birth marks or other signs that skin has been damaged in some form. Though such blemishes are primarily cosmetic, sun damage may elevate risk of skin cancer.


Melanin occurs in all humans and determines skin and hair color and even the shade of one's eyes. Levels of melanin fluctuate among ethnic groups; African-Americans and those of Asian descent have higher levels of melanin than caucasians.

Melanin is produced in the deepest layer of the epidermis – the skin's outermost layer – by the melanocyte skin cells. And hyperpigmentation occurs when the tyrosinase enzyme triggers the melanocyte cells to produce excessive melanin in localized areas.

While birth marks are produced at birth, hyperpigmentation, and the skin blemishes that develop as a result, can be triggered by factors including:

  • pregnancy
  • birth control pills
  • hormone replacement therapy
  • sun exposure
  • acne
  • surgery

Skin blemishes tend to form in concentrated patches, as a result of these factors, and can make once smooth complexion look uneven and blotchy.

How to Treat Skin Blemishes

In many cases, it's possible to reduce the chance that dark spots and related issues with complexion will form. Sun exposure, for example, is a common reason why women (and men) develop age spots and blotchy patches that, left unchecked, can often morph into melanoma and forms of skin cancer. Wearing sun screen, with an SPF of at least 30, can reduce such damage.

As well, hormone replacement therapy is another reason why many women develop dark spots and skin blemishes. And considering that some forms of HRT are linked to heightened risk of breast cancer, it may be advisable to avoid this treatment completely.

Finally, and perhaps the most popular treatment for dark spots and for brighter complexion, many women make a skin brightening product part of their daily skin ritual. However, conventional skin brighteners present health risks that warrant a closer inspection.

Guidelines For Choosing a Skin Brightener

A skin brightener is designed to inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme that triggers hyperpigmentation. In addition, it's made to exfoliate dark, dead skin cells from the epidermis to coincide with the skin's 28-day renewal process.

Many skin brighteners, however, are formulated with hydroquinone and steroids. Worse, roughly one in four skin brightening products sold in the United States contain mercury, often labelled as calomel, mercuric, mercurous or mercurio.

Mercury is linked to a variety of psychological and neurological issues and can cause kidney problems. In some cases, such skin brighteners can cause mercury poisoning that, in pregnant women, can be passed from mother to her fetus.

As a safer alternative, many consumers pursue natural skin brightening, with a lightening product formulated with gentle exfoliants, plant-based sun filters and natural ingredients, including niacinamide and beta glucan.

A natural skin brightener, like Illuminatural6i by the Skinception line of skin care products, performs the same functions as a conventional skin brightener, with lighter complexion and faded dark spots and blemishes, and may avoid the risks of products with mercury and hydroquinone.

Should you be interested in natural skin brightening, consider Illuminatural6i, as it's created with alpha-arbutin, which in a Chinese study, was 60% more effective for its skin-lightening effects that hydroquinone, and as studies indicate, is much safer.

How to Improve Your Memory - The Ingredients of Brain Pill


What is Brain Pill?

It’s not NZT but it’s the kind of pill you might see in Limitless. 74-time Jeopardy champ Ken Jennings uses it to stay sharp. Yes, we must be talking about the natural cognitive booster, Brain Pill – the supplement used by everyone from students to businessmen and everyone in between to boost memory and related brain function.

Brain Pill isn’t some fictional magic pill in a tale of make believe. It’s the real thing – a pill you can take to boost your memory, have a quick wit and sharpen your cognitive function. How does this work? Good question. Let’s talk about Brain Pill.

Introducing Brain Pill

Brain Pill is a natural cognitive booster. You can also call it a nootropic and, OK, fine, a smart pill. If you take Brain Pill, you’ll have better memory, because it’s formulated with high-impact natural ingredients that encourage better blood circulation in the brain and help establish paths in your brain responsible for short and long-term memory.

In particular, Brain Pill is designed to help mental alertness and fight memory loss. That alone is a big deal because the latter is a huge problem after we hit 40. Memory loss tends to get worse with time and is a lonely road to travel.

But what about these rumors of Brain Pill being a natural Limitless pill? Well, among other things, Brain Pill is designed to help working memory – that’s your short-term memory – which scientists argue is a better litmus test for intelligence than IQ.

Having a high IQ just means you know how to ace a test. A good memory means your cognitive functions are firing on all cylinders.

In other words, Brain Pill really can make you more intelligent. Those rumors of it being a smart pill are valid.

Why People Use It

Folks are snatching up Brain Pill because it helps their memory. That’s got a million applications. It can help you remember where you put your keys, for example, or have faster recall of facts on an exam. That’s the tip of the proverbial iceberg, though, because the Brain Pill formula is like rocket fuel for your brain, and has exciting applications that might change your life.

Some of the more common reasons folks buy Brain Pill include:

Better Memory – The obvious reason people love Brain Pill is because it helps memory. That might help you remember someone’s name, for example. Or quickly retrieve key facts at work.

Boost Intelligence – Better memory means your brain has better cognitive and executive function. Yes, you really can take a pill and get more intelligent.

Be More Productive – Remember in Limitless when Eddie Morra wrote that novel in just 3 days? You may not hit those levels with Brain Pill but you’ll certainly get a lot more done.

Learn New Skills – Also like our favorite Bradley Cooper character from a movie that isn’t The Hangover, you may learn new skills when you take Brain Pill.

Fight Brain Fog – Ah brain fog…is there anything else that kills productivity with such reliable ad nauseum? The good news is Brain Pill fights brain fog and brings your top game. Get that brain fog outta here!

Tune Out Distractions – This is an extension of what we’ve already talked about. Brain Pill is poetry for your productivity at work or school, and when you need to focus on one thing at a time.

Use Brain Pill For Your Memory and Cognitive Skills

Most folks buy Brain Pill to boost their memory. That’s what it’s designed for, with clinically studied natural ingredients like Cognizin and Huperzia Serrata, which show huge promise for memory, brain function and their ability to keep it on its tippy-toes.

The memory benefits of Brain Pill alone separate it from other so-called cognitive boosters.

But it’s those other benefits of Brain Pill that really make it awesome. Yes, you know the one you’re thinking about. Brain Pill will make you more intelligent. Call it a natural Limitless pill if you like, the end result is it’ll help make you smart.

Is that what you’re looking for? Then Buy BrainPill Now!

Frequently Asked Questions About Penis Pills


Penis Pills have become all the rage in the world of men's health and can no longer be ignored as a legitimate way to increase the size of erections and truly maximize sexual pleasure. While you undoubtedly already know all of the benefits and advantages that come along with penis pills such as Pro Solution, here are a few frequently asked questions that can ensure you know everything you need to know about increasing your size.

Are ProSolution Pills the Best on the Market?

Trying to decide which penis pill on the market is best for your needs can be time consuming and downright frustrating. Every single pill states that it is the best but there really never is any proof. However, proof is one of the reasons why Prosolution Pills have become known as the best option available. There are a number of testimonials and an infinite number of satisfied customers for Pro Solution that ensure that you can enjoy peace of mind when deciding to give it a shot.

What's Wrong with Average Size?

If you are happy with having an average or slightly above average sized penis then that is more than ok. However, why would you possibly want to be average when you could be bigger, harder, and stronger? Would you want to have just an average sized bank account or be average looking if you had the opportunity to improve it all? Didn’t think so, then why would you ignore a true penis enlargement solution?

Does Pro Solution Work for Any Size?

The Pro Solution Pill System has been proven to work for men of any size. Whether you are 3 inches or 10 inches, the natural ingredients within the pills can increase the size of erections and give you more to work with. There are customers that have increased their erection size from 5 to 7 inches and others that have increased their size from 8 to 10 inches when erect.

How Does Pro Solution Work?

The penis consists of a large deal of tissue that fills with blood when you are turned on. Prosolution Pills utilize natural ingredients to increase the amount of blood that can reach that spongy tissue and help to expand and stretch your penis to a bigger size than ever before. On top of that, the ingredients work to improve your stamina, and improve your ability to last longer and thus intensify your orgasms.

How Long Does it Take to Work?

The period before you notice results varies for everyone that takes Pro Solution. Some customers notice results in as little as 2 weeks while others while others wait 2 months before they notice a full change in erection size. Either way, the results are there and the benefits far outweigh any amount of time it takes to see results.

While there are a number of other questions when it comes to penis pills, they can often differ from person to person. The previous questions offer you a good insight into the world of male enhancement and will hopefully give you a better ability to choose the right product for your needs.

For more information, go to

Sexual Enhancement Cream for Women FAQs


How do sexual enhancement creams for women work?

The cream is applied to the woman's genital area, specifically the underside of the clitoral hood, allowing the active ingredients to directly stimulate the tissue surface.

Once applied, the cream improves blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels around the clitoris, greatly enhancing sensitivity and arousal. Although response time varies with each individual woman and with the specific product chosen, the effects tend to develop more rapidly with sexual stimulation through touching, rubbing, and licking in the clitoral area.

Are the effects noticeable immediately?

Yes, most products, especially Vigorelle™, immediately increase sensations. Not only does the product work right away, but with continued use, a woman's responses should become even more intense.

I used to have a strong sex drive and much more sensitivity, but over the years this has diminished. What's going on? Would a women's enhancement cream help?

Women naturally undergo many hormonal, physical and even attitudinal changes during their lifetimes that can affect sexual response. Good overall health and a concerted effort to reduce stress can be helpful, but adding enhancement creams to the sexual routine will provide a significant impact to any woman. Users of the Vigorelle™ brand of female enhancement cream report excellent restoration of youthful sexual intensity, and experiences that are new and exceptionally conducive to orgasm.

Are there any side effects with these products?

With high-quality products, the answer is no. You should check to see that the cream you're choosing is 100% all natural with no propylene glycol or methyl paraben substances. Quality creams are safe and natural, and work through direct application to the skin. Since they are not pills or powders that must be ingested, there's no incidence of gastrointestinal upset. On the other hand, it is always wise to sample products like this with a small dosage before using it on a larger scale. If no irritations develop during the test, you should be good to use the product as directed.

How do I know which product to try?

You can investigate the ingredients and the method of manufacture (look for safe, certified pharmaceutical-grade facilities). Also, you should go with a reputable company that's been around a while and has a large number of satisfied customers. Our testing showed Vigorelle™ to be the best product in this category, though product choice is essentially yours.

Are female sexual enhancement creams expensive?

Prices vary by manufacturer. However, it's good to keep in mind that you get what you pay for -- and in this category of products, we'd advise shopping by criteria other than price alone. Companies that use only top-quality essential active ingredients obviously cost more to make, consequently have to charge more for their products.

How can I obtain these products and maintain my privacy?

Ordering online is a great way to discreetly get the product you want. Read the site carefully to find out how the manufacturer ships; if they don't already ship in plain packaging that doesn't reveal the contents, you may be able to request the service.

How about a guarantee?

You should insist on a guarantee, and make sure to read the fine print. Although all reputable companies offer them, not all companies that have them are reputable... Take extra time to read how the guarantee works, some products require a one year supply to be eligible for a refund, so shop carefully! If you have trouble finding a product you trust on your own, we recommend Vigorelle™, as it features a straight forward guarantee that you can have confidence in.

What Causes Hair Loss and How Can Profollica Fight Against It?


Ever since men began actively searching for a way to counteract hair loss it seems that there have been an infinite number of theories and ideas surrounding what actually cause the problem. However, no one has really been able to prove one theory over the others until very recently.

That was when new studies broke through and concluded that one of the main causes for hair loss is an abundance of DHT within the body. That means that in many ways, despite what many people have told you, it simply is not your fault that you are losing your hair. It isn't because you wore hats too often, it rarely has anything to do with a deficiency when it comes to vitamins, and it certainly has nothing to do with stress.

While it is now proven that DHT is the main cause of hair loss, there are also a number of other reasons why men and women may loss their hair. These include side effects from medications or medical treatment, illness or disease, or possibly even mechanical damage that can come about from rough brushing.

Why is DHT so Damaging?

DHT can be very damaging to your hair follicles as it battles against the receptors in your scalp. The result is that you are only able to produce thinner and thinner hair as time goes on, and it can also decrease the lifeline of the follicles on the whole. Over time, an excess amount of DHT can kill off follicles altogether and leave you with no hair at all.

Who does Hair Loss Affect?

Despite what many people think, hair loss can affect both men and women of all ages and races. However, men are far more commonly affected over the course of their lives. In fact, some men have been known to show signs of hair loss during their teenage years while close to 40% of men are known to start struggling with losing their hair by the age of 35.

On the other hand, when it comes to hair loss for women it is common for them to negatively affected after the age of 35. It can often become more noticeable when they reach the age of 50 and can become a serious concern after menopause.

Knowing how much DHT can affect hair loss, and that both men and women are affected by the problem, gives you the foundation to understand how Profollica actually works. Every ingredient within each one of the products is aimed at decreasing DHT levels in the scalp and the system has been designed to be equally affective for women and men of all ages.

That is far more than a lot of other competing products can offer, and once you factor in the affordable price it becomes easy to see why everyone is talking about Profollica. Whether you are looking to prevent hair loss, stimulate the growth of new hair, or simply improve the overall health of your hair and follicles, it just does not get much better than this.

For more information, go to

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles and Laugh Lines Forever


It's funny how your age can surprise you when you look in the mirror in the morning. You don't really 'feel' any older than twenty but the face looking back to you, can be quite a shock. How in the world did you get so old? Where in the world did all those wrinkles and shocking laugh lines come from? It feels like just yesterday that you had smooth, clear, ageless skin. But luckily for you, you can soon look as young as you feel. By using Kollagen Intensiv just twice a day for 30 days you will soon be saying goodbye to wrinkles and laugh lines forever.

The unique anti-aging cream and moisturizer works with your skin's own ability to speed up the cellular renewal process by mimicking the natural production of collagen. It keeps your skin looking more youthful and radiant.

It also reduces signs of aging through several amazing ways. It plumps up your skin on your face which gives you a more youthful appearance. Kollagen Intensiv also softens and conditions your skin at the same time. By using it twice a day, it also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Using it after your cleanser, helps to remove dead skin cells as well. Your skin will appear thicker therefore giving you a younger look. Your laugh lines and crow's feet will appear diminished as well those unsightly dark under eye circles and puffiness will be reduced. Your skin will look lighter and you will definitely feel younger!

Kollagen Intensiv is specially designed to visibly improve skin's overall elasticity and flexibility while promoting higher levels of moisture retention on the cellular level for a more youthful appearance. Kollagen Intensiv has been clinically proven to reduce appearance of wrinkles by up to 354%. This amazing anti aging cream contains the patented peptide, SYN®-COLL, which has been clinically proven to:

  • Increase your skin's natural production of collagen
  • Reduce the appearance of even the deepest lines and wrinkles
  • Firm and tone the skin for a more youthful appearance
  • Moisturize and hydrate the skin
  • Help repair damage including age spots and sun damage

In a clinical study, volunteers who applied SYN®-COLL twice daily for 84 days reported a 354% improvement in the overall appearance of their wrinkles. Also it was proven that skin texture was improved by an amazing 201%!

What more proof do you need?

There really is no reason to tolerate wrinkles and laugh lines any longer. By using the amazing Kollagen Intensiv just twice a day, you will see a definite change in your skin – a change for the better. You will look just as young as you feel when you look in the mirror. And isn't that what it is all about? Why look older than you feel. Purchase your 3 months supply of Kollagen Intensiv today and you will receive one month free. There is no need to wait another day. Order your anti-aging cream today and start look younger tomorrow!

For more information, please visit the Kollagen Intensiv Homepage.